
时间:2022-08-23 12:40:02 来源:网友投稿




 what is the best way to educate for success nowadays, more and more parents focus on the education for their kids, they are eager to find a best way to solve this problems, as well as the teachers. So what is the answers? Maybe no one can assure this, but there are some ways that we can learn from. Here we must think of it carefully. That is why we have to educate the kids? Then how we educate them successfully? Here I have my own opinions. Firstly, we have to consider the kids themselves. What we do will benefit them? We must enhance their knowledge and wisdom to solve kinds of problems and questions, so if we want to educate for success, we must make sure that what the kids need. Unlike the past days, nowsdays the kids not only need konwledge in book, they also need something innate. They need to study, and to study in a very health way and with a very relax heart. Here we can get some information, that is to give the kids knoledge and happiness both. Secondly, the educational equipments. The rapid development has carried out higher needs to us. If we want our kids to learn quickly and completely, we must assure the comprehensive equipments has already adapted with the modern classroom, modern school and our modern kids. For example, last time I have went to a school of my friends, I talked with her about the problem that I have experienced in my youth. I can not heat clearly. But her answer makes me so surprised, she told me that now every kid has own a microphono which can make him or her to listen clearly. That is a very advanced creation. I even envy these kids. Because they do not need to worry about this, and this is never a excuse for the kid to answer their mom and dad. In a sum, we can concluded that there are so many ways to educate for success, and any way that have a good result is the best one.

  中国教育重于培养考试型的, 西方着重培养能力型的, 中国需要的是全能型的,西方则是注重专业性, 可以在自己感兴趣的领域去发展。

 中国对有些偏才、 怪才可能不太重视。

  one of the most important questioms

 we ever ask is "what is the best way

 to educate for success?" , which inevitable leads us to look at what we as a society see for success.  过份关注基本知识和技能的掌握, 忽视了学生的体验、 探究和创造  过于强调学科结构, 学科课程之间缺乏整合  坚持以课堂教学为中心, 忽视了学生与生活和社会的密切联系  家长对孩子的期望过高, 造成学生学习压力和负担过重  基础知识

 重视对学生学科基础知识的系统传授  基本技能


 中美两国的教育有着极为不同的传统, 中国的教育注重对知识的积累和灌输, 注重培养学生对知识和权威的尊重, 注重对知识的掌握和继承, 以及知识体系的构建。

 相比较, 美国则更注重培养学生运用知识的实际能力, 注重培养学生对知识和权威的质疑、 批判精神, 注重对知识的拓展和创造。

 这两种教育表达了对待知识的不同的态度, 中国的教育表达的是对知识的静态接受, 美国的教育则表达的是对知识的动态改变。

 总之, 美国的教育注重广而博, 中国的教育注重窄而深; 美国的教育注意培养学生的自信、 自主、 自立精神, 中国的教育注意培养学生严格、 严密、 严谨精神有人认为。

 美国的教育界正在向东方国家学习, 开始强调抓基础, 既然人家还要学习我们, 那么我们就应固守原有的教育传统, 没有必要改进。

 然而, 我们应该看到, 不同的教育反映的是不同的社会文化内涵。

 因此, 不同国家的教育比较必须基于社会文化背景的比较。

 正是由于社会环境与文化传统的差异, 构成了不同国家、 不同社会的教育差异。

 美国的教育传统是与美国的文化传统相一致的, 同样, 中国的教育传统也必然根植于中国的文化传统。

 如何探索出既能适应中国社会又能汲取世界教育精华的教育模式, 是教育研究的重要内容, 也是研究的难点。

  然而, 美国的教育也不是没有缺点, 有人认为。

 美国的教育界正在向东方国家学习, 开始强调抓基础, 既然人家还要学习我们, 那么我们就应固守原有的教育传统, 没有必要改进。

 然而, 我们应该看到, 不同的教育反映的是不同的社会文化内涵。

 因此, 不同国家的教育比较必须基于社会文化背景的比较。

 正是由于社会环境与文化传统的差异, 构成了不同国家、 不同社会的教育差异。

 如果我们能将中国的基础教育与美国的教育有机结合, 使我们的学生既能掌握牢固的基础知识又能够学有所专, 学有所长。

 而且我们的教育也应该因人, 因时, 因地的不同而改变,


 我认为这样的一种教育制度可能会是比较理想的, 总之, 我们的本土化与国际化相结合的现代化教育改革是必然的。

  每个国家的教育制度都是不同的, 他们或多或少都有不足之处, 今天我将通过中国和美国的教育模式表达出我心中理想的教育。

推荐访问:中西方教育 中西方 教育